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Full text of "1927 Idle Hour Cookbook From Dwayner"

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FireJeK  Owptrr 

No.  293  — The  Chambers  Tireless  Cooking 
Gas  Stove.  This  is  a unique  device  of  great  in- 
terest to  those  who  are  watching  flic  development 
of  the  firdess  cooker.  In  this  device  the  princi- 
ples of  refrigerator  construction  have  been  ap- 
plied to  a cook  stove.  The  Ikhc  is  built  primarily 
of  sheet  iron  with  an  Outer  wooden  frame.  Be- 

tween iron  and  wood  ts  a iwo-inch  fireproof  in- 
sutaLirtg  material  through  which  there  no  ap- 
preciable loss  of  heat.  The  box  or  stove  is 

mounted  on  casters  and 
i In  r - f the  oven  is 
: s : it  hi  I insulated  as 
iu  I hi-  idea.  At  one 

■ :i  1 oor  through 
■v  ii  -|  lsu  ■ veil  light  may 
be  watched 
and  regu- 
lated, but 
the  cock  is  so 
arranged  that 
the  gas  is 
a utoma  tic- 
ally  shut  niT 
when  this 
door  is 
closed.  The 
top  of  the 
stove  is  Fin- 
ished with  a 
heavy  sheet 
of  gal  v a n - 
ized  iron  on 

fircIcH  G«  Stove  which  tllC 

gas  burner?i 

are  mounted.  These  may  he  lighted  and  used 
open,  or  after  the  article  hag,  been  brought  to 
boiling  point,  the  gas  may  lie  turned  out  and 
the  hood  let  down  over  the  article,  so  that 
it  will  cook  by  means  of  retained  heat,  Thu 
hoods  are  so  hung  as  Lo  be  easily  lifted  and 
adjusted.  The  device  is  in  fact  a fire  less  cook 
stove,  the  ordinary  operations  of  cooking  being 
accomplished  on  it  as  with  any  gas  stove,  while 
all  the  work  done  by  fireless  cookers  can  be  done 
with  security  and  comparative  ease.  Made  by 
the  Chambers  Mfg,  Co.,  Shelby villc,  Ind. 

Aluminum  Cooking  Utensils 

No,  ags — The  Erie  Cast  Aluminum  Ware.  These 
utensils  are  made  of  aluminum  with  a small  per- 
centage of  metal  alloy,  enough  to  make  the  alumi- 
num sufficiently  hard  to  mold  m castings.  The  u ten- 
sib  arc  light  and 
seamless,  being 
cast  in  one  piece, 
hence  there  are 
no  joints  or seams 
to  hold  panicles 
of  food  or  to  give 
trouble.  They  arc 
practically  inde- 
structible and  at- 
tractive in  finish. 

The  f o 3 lowing 
articles  have  re- 
ceived Special  at-  Dutch  Ov*n  or  Aluminum  CiMtrolc 
tention  in  the  In- 
stitute: a double  lipped  skillet  with  wood  handle, 
a round  griddle  with  handle  cast  on  side,  a Dutch 

oven  or  aluminum  casserole  dish  with  cover  and., 
two-lip  handles;  two  tea  kettles*  one  having  a flat, 
the  other  a corrugated  bottom t this  giving  more 
healing  surface;  a muffin  pan  and  kitchen  spoons. 
Made  by  the  Griswold  Mfg.  Co,n  Erie,  Pa. 

Enamel  Cooking!  UtcnriSs 

No.  2g6 — Agate  Ware  Saucepans.  These 
cooking  utensils  are  made  of  sheet  sted,  which 
after  being  nickel  plated  is  dipped  in  enamel 
baths,  having  two  light  coats  of  enamel,  which 
are  first  dried,  then  baked  on.  The  nickel  plating 
gives  a peculiar  surface  to  wrhich  the  enamel  ad- 

Coekiii-j  Utensil* 

hercs  and  the  two  dippings  give  a finish  which 
does  not  readily  crack  or  chip.  The  greatest 
care  is  taken  in  the  manufacture  of  this  ware, 
which  is  gray  and  always  bears  its  trade  name. 
Made  bv  Ea lance  & Grosjean,  Broadway, 
New  York  Cityn 

Vacuum  Cleaners 

No.  aqq-  The  Duntley  Pneumatic  Electric 
Cleaner.  This  vacuum  deancr  is  designed  for 
operation  on  any  electric  lighting  circuit.  The 
machine  consists  of  a metal  cylinder  about  six- 
teen inches  high  mounted  on  casters  which  lift 
the  cleaner  two  inches  from  the  floor.  The:  motor, 
which  is  of  the  universal  type,  hence  may  be 
used  on  either  alternating  or  direct  current,  is  in 
the  lower  part  of  the  cylinder.  The  pump  is 
above,  and  still  above 
I his  is  the  vacuum 
chamber  with  its  screws 
and  dust  rcccpLudc.The 
dust  is  caught  in  a while 
canvas  bag,  a black  felt 
bag  below  acting  as  a 
screen  and  air  filler.  The 
cleaner  lias  a full  equip- 
ment uf  tools,  including 
a blower  hose  which 
may  he  used  in  connec- 
tion with  a disinfector 
which  is  not  one  of 
the  regular  attach- 
ments coming  with 
the  machine.  This  de- 
vice may  \yc  used  for 
ordinary  cleaning  ami 
disinfection,  or  for  fu- 
migating when  used  with  the  proper  solutions  un- 
der the  direction  of  a physician  or  health  officer. 
Made  by  the  Huntley  Mfg,  to.,  234  Michigan 
Boulevard,  Chicago,  III. 

Fireless  Gas  Stove